whathappened: Unfortunately the WT makes it so that honesty is not always the best policy. We had been tip-toeing around our son's wife until he asked us if he could tell her we left the organization. We said OK and he did. This is when the firestorm let loose. We are not Df'd or Da'd either. We wrote back that we will always love them unconditionally. I am sorry that your daughter shunned you for a while but am happy that for your reconciliation even if it may be tenuous.
rip van winkle: We have time and we have patience and we have hope that things will settle down. I like Maya Angelou.
Hortensia: I agree. He needs to take responsibility as an adult.
MrFreeze: Thank you for your vote of confidence.
AnneB: Thank you for your love and tears. Yes, we did the best we could as I believe every parent does. Our son did not become so vituperous until he told his wife we left the organization.
PaintedToeNail: TotallyADD and I will make it through. Your support helps.
Will reply to more tomorrow. Have to go to work.
Reopened Mind